Tuesday, October 29, 2013

End of September: Lots of Requested PWPs!

September 16:
Frank came to my tent today. :)

Scarecrow? Nope, I'll pass, Renee.

September 19:
Ironic that Renee would suggest a scarecrow the day before this picture was taken. Perhaps she saw the future and saw me in a scarecrow...creepy!

Autumn Moon tonight! It's so pretty! Also, I double-purposed this picture: to show the beautiful night it was, and to show off my new bamboo field! Or orchard, or grove. ;)

Hmm, is Monique missing Shantaki after moving to Miagen?

I really like how Cassidy (from Miagen) put this stone tablet in the middle of what she calls "Miagen Forest". It reminds me of the Celebii tablet in the middle of the Ilex Forest in the Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal games. :D It also gives a good feel to the forest - almost, mystical!

September 20:
The night after the Autumn Moon and the moon is still at it's fullest! Sky is cloudier, though. Just thought I would share this lovely picture of Chief and I. He is hopefully a permanent resident. ^ ^

Strange glitch: I whacked the side of the cliff, and the flowers planted above went up in petals...I mean the flowers didn't disappear but it's as if someone ran over them! :O

September 21:
Last Bug-Off of 2013!

I found it strange/cute that Joey and I both went for the same bug. :) Joey saw it first, though, for the record.

135 points was the highest amount I've got all season! Yay!

September 22:
Tank visited my tent today.

Ahh, Chief if catching on to the ideal town of Shantaki! Keep rackin' in the zen stuff, Chief, cause you're my only hope!

He's fishing on the bridge...glitch?

Final Bug-Off results! I didn't even bring out my other two characters - I'd like to say I wanted to be fair to my villagers and give them a chance, but I simply didn't have time. xD

This made me chuckle. :)

September 27:
Woo! Zen clock will be coming your way, Chief!

I might actually consider this one, too!

Okay, the hybrid rules really confuse me in this game - I put down pink and orange cosmos and was just 'storing' them together, as well as orange lilies 'stored' not too far away. The next morning, I find that the orange lily patch has bred a black lily, and the orange/pink cosmo patch has bred a black cosmo...? Can someone explain this to me?

September 30:
This is in the plans, as well, Renee!

And I literally rushed to catch the two salmons with all three characters in the last night of the month. I got both the normal-sized and king salmons with each player, except for one of them with Felicity, so I was pretty proud of the luck I got, as it was a school night, and you could see how dark it is in the picture. :O

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Beginning of September (STILL!)

Still trying to catch up, but I'm doing it half a month at a time, so it shouldn't be too much longer! According to my calculations, it'll be about 4 more posts 'till I'm all caught up! ;) You'll also notice that for my birthday I got an SD card reader! That means no more crappy quality pictures, and less work for me! (no taking pictures of pictures, cropping, etc.) Yay! :D

September 2nd:

Labor day was today! Took advantage of the fact that I have three characters and they each played a role! 

Playing around with my high jump mat! (Surprisingly realistic!)

Aww, time to say good bye to Monique. Yet I still didn't get her pic. >.<

Happy September! I have notcied that it gets a lot noiser at night compared to the summer without any trees. (No trees = no cicadas)!

I always get metronomes in my ReTail and it doesn't make much sense. The rare occasion I forget to replace the little paper 'vacant' sign on a slot in the Flea Market, a villager might put something up for sale. Which I don't mind, cause I always like to see what they have to offer. However, all they've been putting up is metronomes! Like three times in a row!

Noah got the Refurbishing Beginner badge! :)

September 8th:
Not sure what happened to the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, or 7th, but I guess I didn't take any pictures on those days? That's what you get for being behind in posting - I don't remember! >.< Anyways, Noah got the Happy Homer Bronze badge today!

September 9th:
Flo visited in my campsite today. :)

HOWEVER, like usual, I couldn't add her. Seems as though I was just too late. Lucha thought it'd be cool to move in on top of my turnips, and where my old path was. But it was too late, because I had already loaded Ryann. >.<

September 10th:
Time for the final Gracie fashion check. >:)

WOO! Passed, and on my way to T&T Emporium laannnee! 

I seriously thought Tommy turned into Moe here! Can I help ya, Moe?

September 11th:
Wee, expanding on my BIRTHDAY! :D

Huhhhh, Lucha moved in today. And his house isn't even good, I cry. :'(

Yup, seems like the old Lucha that Cassidy loooved.

Hmm, I'm not thinkin' that will go, Joey. 

September 12:
Blaire came to my camp site today. :)

What's this? We can dig up letters in the rain?

Final upgrade of the Nooks' store!

Estel and Jasper came over today for a pretty sweet WiFi! :)

Estel came over for the first bit, then Jasper showed up. I gave Estel a tour of the town before Jasper came.

Hm, maybe I should keep my guests awaaaay, Lucha.

Then, Estel was kind enough to give me PERFECT cherries for my town! Thanks so much! Apparently she got them from Teru, and just delivered them to me, so thanks to both of you! :D

It was a very cute WiFi, guys, thanks! ^ ^

September 13th: (birthday! :D)

Aww, omg, this means I'm closest out of all my neighbors to Portia! (One of my original three). I don't know how I feel about this, because I've known her for the longest, but I also know that she is for sure not going to be a dream guest. I already have plans for her to move away, which I feel bad about! :(

So she brought me back to her house and my two other 'besties' were there! Chief I have in my plans for dream visitors, and Drake I'm still deciding, so at least I only have to break one person's heart. ;)

I stood on this screen for the longest time, actually. I didn't realize that when Portia told me to blow out the candles, that I actually had to BLOW. xD So I clicked all the buttons on my DS. LOLL!

^^^ Probably should have gotten that, though.

I got a gift, too. :D

ANND, I shared my wish with her...and now all of you...so I guess it's now a goal. :P

AWW, Drake this is why I want to keep you around. :3

And then apparently having a birthday is an accomplishment, haha!

Aww, now all the 'others' that didn't come to the party wish me a happy birthday. :)

Annd T&T Emporium opens today!! Ahh, it's a beauty. :)

Hmm, something up today, Labelle? 

Yup, you can totally tell by the way that she greets you that overnight she feels you deserve a mannequin. LOL!

Now I've got all four! ^ ^ But I'm not keeping those costumes haha.

Thanks to Estel for the lovely World Map! :)

Had a very lovely birthday. ^ ^

September 14th:
EWW caught my first one of these THINGS. They're so gross!

And Cassidy gave me presents for my birthday yesterday, how nice! :* Though I came over with Felicity out of convenience. :P

September 15th:
Bred my first orange tulips today!

AHH my favorite item! Will put this up in my living room to stay! :D

FINALLY! My first black lily too! These are apparently so rare! In all the time I've had this massive red lily patch up, only one has bred - this one!

Literally my neighbors have been trolling me SO much lately!! Like this is actually one of my biggest pet peeves of the game, if they decide to tell you their moving, THEN MOVE IF I SAY BYE.

Lousy money day. :P

Ahh, autumn moon tonight!