Friend Codes

My 3DS FC: 0748-2174-8389
Time Zone: GMT -5 (Canada)

Please leave a comment with your name of your character, a link to your page (optional), your town, your time zone information, and your friend code to visit other New Leaf players worldwide!

Name: Cassidy (mau5girl)
Town: Miagen
Country: Canada (GMT -5)
FC: 1564-2275-8567
Name: Pii (Choco)
Town: Belltune
Country: Philippines (GMT +8)
FC: 4398-8843-3140
Name: Estel (Amy)
Town: Citàlune
Country: United States (GMT -4)
FC: 3222-6062-4806
Name: Cheryl (Ck)
Town: BlueBell
Country: United States (UTC -8)
FC: 4253-3678-2563
*no photo at the moment*
Name: Jasper
Town: Windfall
Country: Canada (GMT -7)
FC: 2766-8135-6647


  1. Hi! I'm Choco from An AC Life. :D I'll add you right now. ^^ My FC is 4398-8843-3140

  2. Thanks! Let me know if I've made a mistake on the info. :)

  3. Hey! I'd love to WiFi sometime, hopefully maybe this weekend! My 3DS FC is 3222-6062-4806. :) Also, my time zone is GMT-4 (so I guess we're just an hour apart), and my mayor character is Estel from Citàlune.

  4. Thanks! I'm around this Friday, if you want? Perhaps Choco and I could re-schedule ours as well and make it a party - I'll host?

  5. Hey! I'm Ck. My chara is Cheryl from BlueBell. My FC is 4253-3678-2568. I live in CA, USA and my time zone is UTC-8 (Pacific Time Zone) and... my blog is and it's new. I'm on almost all day so feel free to plan a WiFi someday. I'll most likely make it. Except tomorrow. I have practice :P at 2 - 5 pm my time. So before or after is fine. I wake up at 7:30 am or so and sleep at like 12 am.... Bad right? Haha.

    1. Hi! Thanks! Let me know if I made any mistakes! I tried to find a picture of you, and this was the best one I could find - I hope you don't mind! Yeah, I'd love to WiFi sometime!

  6. Oops. I was the one who made a mistake. My FC is 4253-3678-2563. I accidentally made the 3 an 8. Sorry for my typo :(

  7. Hi! I'm Jasper from the town of Windfall! I don't have a blog, so I'll have to post as "anonymous", sorry! Your sister has already visited my town before, and I've visited her town before. I saw your town through her blog! Would you like to play together online sometime? My friend code is 2766-8135-6647, I'm from Canada and my time zone is GMT -7.

    1. Hey Jasper! Yes, I've heard quite a bit about you! All good things, don't worry. ;) I would like to WiFi sometime - thatt would be fun! ^^ I'll put you up on the board, then! :)
